Jonathan Grubb
Carole Biglands
Jonathan Grubb
Carole Biglands
We discovered Pilates shortly after we were married 11 years ago.
We quickly fell in love with the Pilates Method and initially learned under Mo Sherring who remains a very dear friend to us and an inspirational teacher.
Mo introduced us to Michael King of MK Pilates in 2014 at a conference and we then initially trained (beginner's level matwork) with MK Pilates and have been extremely fortunate to have not only attended numerous other events hosted by MK Pilates in several countries, but also to have helped organise and host MK Pilates events here on the Isle of Man with Mo.
We went on to complete comprehensive matwork training with the Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute ( APPI ) which was co-founded by Glenn and Elisa Withers (who both also initially trained in Pilates under Michael King and his partner, Malcolm Muirhead).
We have attended many international Pilates conferences where we have experienced many teaching styles, including the styles of those who learned directly under Joseph Pilates and others who apprenticed under teachers who learned directly from Joseph.
For 10 years we were also incredibly grateful to learn from Johan Zwaenepoel of ZWPilates.co.uk; an incredible teacher with a remarkable Pilates history who is also a wonderful friend.
Our teaching style aims for the individual to benefit and be challenged physically and mentally at their own natural pace and level, rather than trying to keep up with the teacher having a workout at their own level at the front of the class
Mind and Body
"A body free from nervous tension and fatigue is the ideal shelter provided by nature for housing a well-balanced mind" - Joseph Pilates
Our view
Pilates has never been a "to-do" list activity for us as we love practising it and helping others to practice. We appreciate the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing it provides for ourselves and others and are very grateful for the incredible learning and training opportunities we have had with respect to the different styles and approaches to Pilates. All of this helps us to tailor our teaching to the particular group of clients and individuals in front of us whilst maintaining the Pilates principles and our own teaching style